- BMI Racing DB12R - Mike Ivy - Base Setup - Nov 2008 -


This setup here works for me everywhere I go.


.020 Linears
1.5° camber (if you need more steering go to 2°)
10° Caster or 5° Caster with both white shims in rear (more steering mid to out)
Jaco prism's purple 1.65"
Half degree toe out
#3 shure lube on king pins


Shock 40w with gold spring
Use a 2mm shim under the the shock post
1.5mm pod droop
Batteries center (more on power steering)
#3 or #4 IRS Shure lube in the dampner tubers


172mm rear width
Jaco prism's Yellow 1.75"
3.5mm to 4mm ride height


