-BMI #4 ride height spacers
-0 degree caster blocks
-6 degrees caster
-associated .020 10th scale springs with .020 spring sag
-#3 sure lube on pins
-servo angled and in lower holes in servo mounts
-BSR handout tires cut to 2.08"
-Battery all the way back
-2.5 ounces of lead right in front of battery (to make race
-50 wt Losi oil w/ #3 piston in center shock with Associated Blue
touring spring
-#3 surelube in tubes
-.065 black side plates in long position with tweak screws just
barely touching chassis
-0 axle bearing carriers
-BSR Handout tires cut to 2.08"
-2mm BMI rear width spacers
Gearing was 100/35 with a Losi
Xcelorin 13.5 motor. It coulda used another tooth or 2 in the main
as it was cold after the race and needed just a tick more straight
line speed.
I used all the updated parts that Jason just mentioned as well. It
was almost an identical setup to my 12th scale car with only the
front caster blocks really being different. Kinda cool the cars were
that close together in setup.
Body was a Protoform Sophia and I used the new outer holes on the
cross brace for body mounting. It really stiffened the body roll up.