US racer Eric Anderson is running strong in the 40+ Masters class here at ETS RD3 in Luxembourg and we had the chance to look under the hood of his Awesomatix ride. The car is powered by Eric`s very own EAM batteries and he has chosen to use a 6300mAh pack for the best compromise between power and balance.
The car is build on the Awesomatix steel chassis (prototype) and is also equipped with some Awesomatix option parts such as AT03R, FSS Steering Set, C21MMXG, C01RF, LF Pulleys, AM14H, ABH, AM23-I, MXLR Flex Bumper, MXLR Servo Arm, RD14V, and RC Maker Horizontal Ultra light Body Mounts.
Body Shell: Zoo Racing Wolverine Max 0,7mm Speedo: ORCA ETS Motor: ORCA ETS 21.5T Battery: Team EAM 6300 Radio: Sanwa M17 Servo: MKS Tires: Matrix EPA-036 ETS Handout Sponsors and support: Team EAM, APEX Raceway, Awesomatix USA, Cry Baby Racing, 1up Racing, MXLR, MR33, ToniSport, AVID, Sanwa, SRG, Prolix RC, RC Discharger, TQ Wire, and thanks to Kemp, Max, and the Awesomatix Europe team for making us feel at home!
