Awesomatix factory driver Simon Lauter is running the actual Version of the A800MMX touring car here in Apeldoorn. He is using some option parts from Awesomatix, and ballast weights and a servo horn from MXLR to setup the car to his likings. To get the best out of his car in Apeldoorn, Simon is using longer arms on the active rear suspension of his car (AM14LS). This helps him to get more steering mid corner and at corner exit as well.

Body Shell: ZooRacing Wolverine 0,5 (with std. Wing)
Motor: ORA ETS 13.5T
Battery: LRP 8100mah
Radio: Sanwa M17
Servo: MKS
Tyres: Matrix Handout
Sponsors: Awesomatix, LRP, Tonisport, MR33, MXLR, StickonRC, R5 RC Painting
C27MMX Topdeck, Low Friction Belts, HRB Body Mounting System, AM105 Rear Stiffener, AM14LS

