Chassis - Awesomatix A800 MMXA
Motor - Hobbywing Xerun 4.5T
ESC - Hobbywing XR10 G2
Battery - Silverback 5800mAh LCG
Tires (handout) - Sweep
Radio/Servos - Sanwa/MKS
Body - Xtreme Twister
Remarks - Australian Ryan Maker is running the new A800 MMXA from Awesomatix here in Thailand. Equipped with a number of RC Maker option parts such as the slimflex top deck, front and rear body mounts and brass balance weights, Ryan is using a very similar setup to last year. Fitted with an aluminium chassis plate, one of the few to do so due its tendency to drop off in these conditions, he said he has been able to work extra flex into the top deck to compensate and make the chassis work. |