After some more "rain action" during this years outdoor season i was able to work on a setup for wet/rain conditions which seems to work flawlessly on many different tracks now.
The setup works also with MMCX conversions!


  1. Ride height need to be way higher than normal to not get aqua planing. At wet conditions i recommend F7.0mm and R7.5mm. At heavy rain and puddles on track F10mm and rear 10,5mm

  2. Soft dampers and springs are needed for this conditions. I prefer to use 30WT silicon oil in the shocks. Springs should be the "S" ones and also the settings/gaps on a soft setting.

  3. Downstops should be lower as usually to allow the car to roll/work more and not just slide arround.

  4. A stable rear end is most important in these conditions. Its slippery and hard to drive. So better to make a setup which push than overrotate.

  5. WETPROTECT IS MONEY! Highly recommend to prepare your electronic boards with this stuff and also spray it before and after every wet run over the electronics.
Recommended electronics for easy rain racing without worry to get electronical problems:
ESC: Hobbywing XR10 Pro WP (HW30112605)
Receiver: Sanwa RX481WP
Servo: MKS Servo Tech HBL550LX


M. Machler