I did my first indoor test today on our Indoor Track (Size 28x11m) with brand new Carpet. We decided to use the original ETS Carpet which will be used on several Events in the upcoming season. So we have now perfect test conditions.
For test today i prepaired 2 cars with same Setup. Only difference was the Chassis. One car with CO1AL and one with the new soft C01AL-S.
I used my ETS MuchMore 13,5T Zero Boost combo and the new RIDE ETS Tires for the 2014/2015 season (#26032)
And i can say I like the new soft C01AL-S more! It offers more steering and at same time better overall handling. Faster direction changes and more overall grip. Lap times were also 2/10 faster and more consistent due the easyer handling with this chassis compared to the C01AL.
I used both chassis with AM30-5. Tested both with 3 screws (front-middle-rear) and with only one in middle. Personally i like it more with 3 screws. Its not so angry on the entry of the corners. Also more stable and consistent during the turns. With only 1 screw it had to aggressiv steering action for me.
But this is a personal thing of the driving style.
So the new C01AL-S performs also very very well on Carpet
Also we tested with different wheelhub combinations. Started with front and rear AM06S like we used in the past and ended with AM06S in front and AM06M. It was awesome how the car performed with this combination.The car was much easyer and smooth to drive. It gave us much better steering feeling and at same point more stable car under throttle action.
Also we can feel a better balanced handling than with the AM06S in front and rear which was a bit more tail-heavy.
I recommend you to test it by yourselfe during your next tests ;-)
