- Awesomatix A700 - Steering Modifications - May 2012 -
Following those comments, Awesomatix is going to modified P01/P02 and AM10 steering soon.
For the current parts:
1. One drop of thin CA glue in the slot between P01 and P02 after final adjustments of caster and camber will help you against popping apart during race. Further small adjustment of suspension geometry are still possible after this gluing also.

2. "Hand made" modification of current AM10 steering plate is possible.
This prevents the rear bearing displacement and also makes adjustment of this bearing more easy.

For A700:
Max. steering angle of the inner weel is ~35 deg at standard steering system (not IAS) and correct steering links adjustment. This value is the same as for others current top cars.
Outer wheel's max steering angle depends on ackermann and toe out settings and is within top cars's range also.
Please try the standard steering set to get max possible steering angles.