The YZ-2 has a solid range of optional parts available, as well as being compatible with a few parts from other models in the Yokomo line-up. This allows a greater depth of tuning for any racing condition. Below is a list of optional parts carefully selected for Lee Martin RC's YZ-2 used at the World's warm-up. #teamyokomo
B2-010R Rear universal driveshaft (typo in photo as B4-0101R)
B4-008R Rear lower suspension arm
BD-500GA Aluminum lightweight gear diff shafts
BM-S162 X shock piston (black 1.6 x 2 hole)
BM-S172 X shock piston (white 1.7 x 2 hole)
SD-008RC Long rod ends (for the front shock ends)
YAS-825 Yatabe Arena front carpet/astro spring (yellow)
YAS-1050 Yatabe Arena rear carpet/astro spring (green)
YS-8BH Hard-coated aluminum shock cap balls
YT-RW25 25g under battery weights
Z2-008FG Front suspension arm (gull type)
Z2-017G Graphite front shock tower (gull type)
Z2-110 Aluminum wing washers
Z2-415R00 Aluminum rear hub carrier 0deg toe
Z2-TBS YZ-2 Titanium turnbuckle set
Z2-TSS YZ-2 Titanium screw set
ZC-N4FL Aluminum serrated flange nuts


R. Itoh