Chassis: Yokomo YZ-2 CA
Motor: RC Concept 6.5T
ESC: RC Concept SC120
Batteries: RC Concept 4500 mah
Radio/Servo: Sanwa/Xpert
Remarks – Making his EOS debut with the new RC Concept electrics, top Yokomo factory driver Lee Martin is running the soon-to-be-delivered CA (Carpet & Astro) version of the Japanese 2WD buggy. The car sports a new 3-gear transmission that will also be available for purchase to upgrade the existing YZ-2 kit. Equipped with Yatabe shock springs, an LMR under LiPo weight and titanium screws and turnbuckles, it also features pre-production rear aluminium hubs with a different offset. The aerodynamics is taken care of by a LMR rear and PL front wing.
