- Kyosho Ultima RT5 - Ben Ellis - Pheasant Run - 20.09.2009 -



3-A Piston
#65 spring
Losi 35wt oil
Shock on the outside on tower, middle on A-arm mount, mount placed inside on arm
1-1 Camber link ( inside on bulkhead, inside on Caster block ) 0mm under ball stud
Axles up
0 spacers on Ackerman
25 degree block
.5 spacer


3-A Piston
#65 spring
Losi 30wt oil
Shock on the inside on tower, inside on a-arm
2-2 camber link, ( middle on bulkhead, outside on hub ) 0mm under ball stud on bulkhead
2mm spacer under ball stud on hub
Hubs spaced slightly back, 4mm spacer in front, 2mm spacer in the rear.


Battery spaced forward.
1/2 IN BULKHEAD, 1/2 under steering ackerman. 1/4 on each side of chassis in triangles nearest to servo. 1/4 on each side of chassis in triangles nearest to rear tower
3800 LiPo
Vortex 6.5
78/17 gearing.

Track was outdoor loamy/sandy track. I ran Red Ifmar pins with Blue Carvers up front in qualifying, then Red Studs with Blue Carvers in the main
