This weekend I was able to run the new T6.4 truck for the first time at my local track Keilor Electric Off Road Car Association Inc. - Keorca which has a high grip oiled surface. We use Jconcepts Silver Ellipses on this track.

I ran the truck with mostly kit parts and a few Factory Team durability parts such as the alloy front bulkhead.

Setup wise was close to kit but a few key changes to make the truck more stable:
  • low ride height 23mm
  • reduced droop front and rear using the short eyelets instead of +2. Made the truck much more stable and precise.
  • 25+0 front caster (instead of kit +2.5 deg). Kept the steering smoother. I used 0.5mm bumpsteer washer to give a little bump out for stability.
  • moved the rear link out on the inbooard and outboard end and made it a touch longer. Helped the rear end stay more locked in mid corner.
  • used 3 hole pistons front and rear (which we find ride bumps better) and thicker oil.
  • using front tyres that were more worn than the rears also helped smooth out the steering. We ran extra front camber to take away some front bite.
  • compared to buggy needed to run extra drag brake as the truck is much heavier.
  • For the body I have a Jconcepts body on the way (currently being painted by the master James Ainslie) so for this weekend I ran a body made by our local shop Outsiders RC.


R. Munday