- Team CRC Team Red T-Fource - Hubert Honigl - IIC - Las Vegas - 2005 -


Car CRC Team Red T-Fource #1312
Event 2005 International Indoor Champs - Las Vegas
Date September 2005
Track Note Flowing moderately tight layout High grip - Fast Trak Carpet
Driver Hupo Honigl
Front End
Front Tires CRC Magenta fronts glued outer sidewall - 43 mm
Front Springs CRC .022"
Dynamic Castor CRC's new Red Alum Upper A-arm mnt - 10 degree dynamic #4266
Camber -1 degrees
Ride Height 3.5 mm
Tire Dressing 3/4 inside front
Other CRC's new Delrin Upper arm (4277) and steering blocks (4275)
Center Shock, T-Bar and Body Shell
Center Shock CRC Red Dura-shock w/ 30 weight oil and stock shiny Silver spring
Spring Preload Level chassis/pod when race ready
T-Bar CRC .065" - no center screw
Ride Height 3.5 mm
Rear Settings
Rear Tire CRC Magenta rears - 45 mm
Damper Tube Fluid CRC White
Ride Height 3.5 mm
Tire Dressing Full width soak
Notes - Other
